Thesis topic proposal
Péter Gurin
Structural and ordering properties of colloidal nanoparticles in confined geometries


Institute: University of Pannonia
Doctoral School of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Péter Gurin
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Pannonia, Institute of Physics and Mechatronics
Abbreviation of location of studies: FI

Description of the research topic:

There is a growing experimental and theoretical interest to understand the nature of glassy behaviours, jamming and structural transitions of confined nanoparticles in material science. This is due to the progress made in the experimental realisation of such nanoconfined colloids where almost two- and even one-dimensional restrictions can be achieved. This can be done with confining the particles between parallel walls and with absorption of them into tubular nanopores. In the case of these confined geometries it is often found that the first order phase transitions weakens with the decreasing pore width and a Kosterlitz-Thouless type continuous transition emerges in very narrow pores. Even new ordered and disordered structures can emerge in the confined system such as the hexatic, tetratic, helical arrangements and the question of jamming and glassy behaviour is in focus, too. To understand the nature of ordering in confinement, simple models must be introduced, which can be studied with simulation and theoretical methods exactly.
The task of the phd applicant is to construct new models and examine them theoretically. The applied methods are the transfer operator method, density functional theories and Monte Carlo simulation. Colloids with several shapes are going to be placed between planar walls and into cylindrical pore to examine the effect of particle-particle and particle-wall interactions on the stability of isotropic fluid phase, mesophases and crystalline structures.

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
MSc in Physics or Mathematics or Material Sciences

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2020-05-31

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