Thesis topic proposal
Imre Nagy
The material flows and waste management relations of the urban environment as an example of Kamerun (Namibia, Kazahstan)


Institute: University of Kaposvár
business and management
Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Science

Thesis supervisor: Imre Nagy
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Kaposvár Universíty, Faculty of Economic Science, Department of Regional Studies and Statistics
Abbreviation of location of studies: FECDR

Description of the research topic:

On the basis of the modeled urban ecosystem in the literature to define the real (recent) directions of city’s water, energy and material flow lines and their dynamics, which are the funcion of city's population, industry and other sectors of the consumption. This material flow structure determine the amount of municipal waste, the current waste management framework (referring to the institution's waste management system as well), the disposal forms. It should be point out the city's vision of waste management, comment on the management system to define sustainable waste management (formes of waste recovery) guidelines for the future period.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2020-06-10

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