Thesis topic proposal
Orsolya Kegyes-Brassai
Methods to Assess Economic, Environmental, and Social Impact of Construction Sites – Enhancing Green Construction


Institute: Széchenyi István University, Győr
civil engineering
Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Orsolya Kegyes-Brassai
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Széchenyi István University
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZE

Description of the research topic:

Designing and building "green" is not new, e.g. using locally available materials to reduce transportation costs, considering the impact of a construction on a community. Anyhow with the development of modern materials, design methods and societal demands, perhaps some of the early design considerations were forgotten. Green concepts are quite simple, but studying their interaction becomes very complicated.
Comparing design alternatives and impacts is a very complex task, depending on the criteria used for comparison and who is making decisions. Life cycle perspectives require a broad spectrum of data (material/transportation costs, energy use, environmental impact, aesthetic and social issues, etc.). Much like construction management and cost estimation, a very large database of information is required. These data values will change, depending on location, season, end-user, government regulations, cultural preferences, and business climate. This is a difficult task indeed trying to account for so many things that change over location and time.
However, if the analysis method is transparent, the data base is adjustable, then the problem becomes less difficult. The computational and comparison framework remain constant while the input data and importance factors are allowed to change.
Goal is to compare methods already used to assess the energy efficiency or environmental impact of constructions and to offer a fast evaluation method in case of large construction projects, e.g. bridges.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2020-04-30

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