Thesis topic proposal
Imre Kocsis
Application of advanced signal processing methods in technical diagnostics


Institute: University of Debrecen
computer sciences
Doctoral School of Informatics

Thesis supervisor: Imre Kocsis
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Debrecen Faculty of Informatics
Abbreviation of location of studies: DE IK

Description of the research topic:

Development of effective methods of fault detection, condition monitoring and process monitoring. Productivity improvement with autonomous, real-time decision-making procedures based on online diagnostics. Integration of diagnostics in digital production systems. Development of special-purpose, problem-specific methods and software in diagnostics. Test rig design and building. Test measurements and industrial measurements.
Theoretical background: Digital measuring system, sensors, transducers. Digital signal processing. Methods of vibration and infrared analysis of engineering systems. Industrial condition monitoring systems.

Kadry. S., (ed.), Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems: Methods and Techniques, IGI, 2012
Boashash, B. (ed.), Time Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, Elsevier, 2003
Misiti, M., Misiti, Y., Oppenheim, G., Poggi, J.M., Wavelets and their Applications, ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007
Gao, R. X., Yan, R., Wavelets - Theory and Applications for Manufacturing, Sringer, 2011
Vollmer, M., Möllmann, K-P., Infrared Thermal Imaging: Fundamentals, Research and Applications, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2010
Leis, Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Gonzalez, R.C., Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, 2002
Marwala, T., Condition Monitoring Using Computational Intelligence Methods, Applications in Mechanical and Electrical Systems, Springer, 2012

Deadline for application: 2019-11-15

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