Thesis topic proposal
Károly Gulya
Localization of microglial cells in normal and pathologic human brain


Institute: University of Szeged
theoretical medicine
Theoretical Medicine Doctoral School

Thesis supervisor: Károly Gulya
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine University of Szeged
Abbreviation of location of studies: SMMT

Description of the research topic:

The planned research will focus on the localization and quantitative analysis of microglial cells in normal and pathologic (mainly Alzheimer's diseased) brain tissues. Techniques used in our studies will include conventional histological staining procedures, amyloid plaque stainings and immunological detection methods (immunohistochemistry, Western blot analysis and histoblot technique). Particular attention will be paid to the microglial population of the non-demented aging brain.

Required language skills: english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2019-08-20

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