Thesis topic proposal
János Abonyi
Network science based analysis of human factors in systems engineering


Institute: University of Pannonia
bio, environmental and chemical engineering
Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences Doctoral School

Thesis supervisor: János Abonyi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Pannonia, Department of Process Engineering
Abbreviation of location of studies: PE

Description of the research topic:

Goal: Development of network science-based methods and data visualization algorithms that support the understanding the human components (e.g., required skills, work environment) of complex producing systems.

Many conditions need to be met for the proper functioning of production systems. One of the challenges is to find the right person for the right job, whose qualifications are related to the task he or she is performing. In production units, staff, leaders and production tools are in a complicated relationship with each other, which correct functioning affects productivity, satisfaction, etc. Interorganization relationships between owners and leaders of businesses also determine the operation, which, moreover, geographically distributed. The key idea of this research is to map all of these highly connected and complex relationships into multi-labeled and multilayer networks that can be analyzed by goal-oriented algorithms to understand the human component of production systems better.
Network science-based algorithms are widely applied in understanding complex systems.
We already utilized this concept for the optimization of manufacturing cells.
More details can be found at:

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2019-01-31

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