Thesis topic proposal
Ferenc Papp
Buckling assessment of steel structures through the overall imperfection method


Institute: Széchenyi István University, Győr
civil engineering
Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Ferenc Papp
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Széchenyi István University
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZE

Description of the research topic:

The Overall Imperfection Method (OIM) is an innovative method utilizing Linear Buckling Analysis (LBA) and equivalent initial geometrical imperfection in the shape of buckling mode for the assessment of out-of-plane buckling resistance of steel structures. This methodology has been developed for single structural members and has been published recently. In this research this method is extended for structures such as portal frames. The method should be adapted by any commercial design software which is able to execute a relevant transmission of the displacements (namely the warping) through the applied frame corner joints. The method has been validated for fundamental buckling cases of lateral-torsional buckling and coupled buckling of individual uniform and tapered members with double symmetric and monosymmetric cross-sections. In the framework of this research the validation for portal frames will be carried out. For the validation large numbers of different frame configurations will be computed using Abaqus software and GMNIA method and the OIM results will be validated by these GMNIA results.

Deadline for application: 2019-04-30

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