Thesis topic proposal
Franciska Vidáné dr. Erdő
Investigation of membrane transporter interactions in rodents using microdialysis techniques (The effect of aging, dermal transporters, BCRP at the blood-brain barrier)


Institute: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
Roska Tamás Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology

Thesis supervisor: Franciska Vidáné dr. Erdő
Web address (URL): https://itk.ppke.hu/
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Pázmány Péter Catholich University Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics
Abbreviation of location of studies: PPKE

Description of the research topic:

The PhD student will acquire different types of microdialysis (MD) techniques in rats and mice. The changes in the blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability in young adult and aged animals will be tested via the transport of a P-gp probe substrate using MD. The protective function of BCRP at the BBB has been verified so far under in vitro conditions. On the basis of these findings we are looking for an appropriate BCRP substrate whose action can also be verified in vivo. Additionally, we are working on the investigation of dermal drug delivery affected by membrane transporters using transdermal microdialysis technique. We would like to introduce and validate this technology and lateron monitor the dermal penetration, skin PK/PD profile of new topical drug formulations (liposomes, nanoparticles etc.).

Required language skills: English medium level C
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): English medium level C
Further requirements: 
"Animal experiments-experimental animals" training course at Semmelweis University or similar certificate on authorization to perform in vivo animal experiments

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2019-05-31

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