Thesis topic proposal
Győző Jordán
Environmental geochemical study of sediments and soils on the Drava river floodplain


Institute: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
environmental sciences
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Győző Jordán
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Alkalmazott Kémiai Tanszék, Szent István Egyetem, Gödöllő
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZIE

Description of the research topic:

Floodplains are important areas and are worthy of attention, not just because of the extensive valuable agricultural lands, but also because of their diverse riverine habitat. The floodplains on the other hand are sensitive receptors of PTE (Potentially Toxic Elements) contamination, originating from mining and other industries. The upstream pollution can permanently contaminate the downstream regions, endangering the ecosystems and the agricultural lands. The transported toxic elements can travel in solution or in mineral form, suspended in the water. These small grains settle down and accumulate in the flooded areas, and with a flooding event, caused by an unexpected, torrential rainfall, they can be reallocated on the adjacent fields. These sudden events can be the consequences of climate change, and water resources management has to be prepared. The research area is the Drava River floodplain, where the student can be part of an international research group and join to a Slovenian-Hungarian OTKA project. The study involves field work and laboratory tests as well, that requires environmental geochemical approach. The results will be evaluated by statistical methods and visualized in GIS based softwares. The aim is to characterise and localize the potentially toxic elements and predict their behaviour and dynamics. The research follows the EU Water Framework Directive, and also contributes to the EU Flood Directive.

Required language skills: angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-05-31

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