Thesis topic proposal
Tibor Magyar
Genetic diversity, host adaptation and the spread of antibiotic resistance in Pasteurella multocida


Institute: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
veterinary sciences
Doctoral School of Veterinary Science

Thesis supervisor: Tibor Magyar
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁTE

Description of the research topic:

Pasteurella multocida is a bacterial species with a broad host range. It is a major animal health problem worldwide, and its zoonotic potential is increasingly emphasised. The main goal of the proposal is to investigate the prevalence of P. multocida in Hungary, to expand our existing strain collection with isolates from different host species, and to analyse the strains in detail. The high level of phenotypic and genotypic diversity of P. multocida, the spread of resistance to antibiotics used for therapeutic purposes, and transfers and travels caused by globalisation all contribute to the fact that the number of diseases caused by these bacteria fails to decrease. Moreover, even diseases not observed for a long time have re-emerged in our country. All these reasons underline the need for better understanding the features of P. multocida and monitoring their changes due to environmental fluctuations. After characterising the strains by traditional microbiological methods, the epidemiological linkage between the strains will be established using genetic fingerprinting methods and multilocus sequence typing. The potential virulence factors of strains from different host species will be compared and the molecular epidemiological marker genes of P. multocida will be identified based on whole genome sequences. The antibiotic susceptibility profile of the strains will be determined, and the genetic background responsible for the development of resistance will be studied in detail. Based on the results of this research the signs of host adaptation and the factors involved in the shift of host species will also be defined.

Required language skills: english
Further requirements: 
Certification in veterinary studies or in biology, English proficiency

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-05-31

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