Thesis topic proposal
Emőd Veress
Tools of creditor and debtor protection in private law


Institute: University of Debrecen
Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies

Thesis supervisor: Emőd Veress
Location of studies (in Hungarian): DE ÁJK
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁJK

Description of the research topic:

The main purpose of civil law is to create a balance of interests between the creditor and debtor, to create the adequate means of redress for the creditor and to ensure the techniques for the debtor against potential abuse by its creditor. This equilibrium point, however, is subject of permanent and serious regulatory and jurisdictional challenges: this balance can be disrupted both by excessive creditor or debtor protection. During the research, such topics could be envisaged as guarantees, down payments and indemnities, consumer contracts, as a special area of debtor protection or the actio Pauliana.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2018-05-15

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