Thesis topic proposal
Szabolcs Béla Oláh
Cultivated vitality, social semantics and mediadynamics


Institute: University of Debrecen
Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies

Thesis supervisor: Szabolcs Béla Oláh
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. Főépület (Egyetem téri Campus), fsz. 15 (Tudományos Igazgatóság)
Abbreviation of location of studies: DEBTK

Description of the research topic:

The applicant’s work needs to cover the communicative role of hybrid media through the interpretation of media phenomena (infotainment TV programs, advertising campaigns, political adverts, public spectacles and living space, memorial sites, exhibitions, audiovision, concerts, videoclips, online news portals, literary works, cultural hybrids). S/he also needs to examine the inauguration into the ritual and discoursive sites of society, the engraving of certain phenomena into collective memory, manipulated institutionalization or forgetting and the dynamics of canonization and decanonization, proving that the cultural significance of social phenomena changes over time, and that it can be in tension with the institutionalized meaning systems of culture. Analyses will focus on the weblike, reciprocal relations of literary, cultural, economical and mass communicational values and imports, and will demonstrate the symbolical, material, institutional and medial implications these relations have.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2018-05-15

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