Thesis topic proposal
Next-generation DNA and RNA sequencing and their employment in the molecular diagnostics of diseases


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Biology

Thesis supervisor: Lajos Haracska
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Institute of Genetics, Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZBK

Description of the research topic:

Non-invasive genetic diagnostics, or liquid biopsy, is based on the analysis of DNA or RNA isolated from the cell-free fraction of the blood. The term includes molecular diagnostic procedures that monitor different changes in the organism by sequencing and quantitating circulating cell-free nucleic acids. Currently, these types of methods represent the fastest evolving field in the precise diagnostics and characterisation of tumorous diseases and foetal genetic disorders. From a diagnostic point of view, the common characteristic of these two conditions is that the wild-type background derived from the tumour or the foetus is in great excess in the otherwise very limited amount of genetic material in the blood plasma.
Our research group works on developing panels with which the most frequent alterations found in certain diseases can be analysed via the next-generation sequencing of specific targeted regions.

Required language skills: English B2
Further requirements: 
A grade average above 4.0, participation at TDK or other competititons, lab experience.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-09-26

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