Thesis topic proposal
György Bázár
Instrumental analysis of aroma properties and consumer preference of functional animal products


Institute: University of Kaposvár
animal husbandry
Doctoral School of Animal Science

Thesis supervisor: György Bázár
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Kaposvár University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Abbreviation of location of studies: AKKAT

Description of the research topic:

The objective of the research is to investigate the preference of functional foods. Beside the commonly used subjective judgement tests applied by marketing researches, the implementation of objective sensory panel tests is targeted. The effects of taste, odor, sound, brand, presumed quality, and other preconceptions on the consumer preference will be evaluated using the collected information. To describe the subjective (brand preference) and objective (measurable aroma) factors, the aroma properties of products will be analyzed with electronic sensor array systems, i.e. electronic nose and tongue. Products having the same composition and aroma, but having different branding on label, and vice versa, having the same label but different composition and aroma will be investigated within the targeted group of foods. Our results may support the understanding of consumer behavior, and the improvement of product profile framing methodologies.

Required language skills: angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-06-10

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