Thesis topic proposal
Sándor Bartha
Fine-scale grassland dynamics under climate changes


Institute: Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő
Doctoral School of Biological Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Sándor Bartha
Location of studies (in Hungarian): SZIE MKK
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZIE

Description of the research topic:

Grasslands are characterized with high spatiotemporal variability especially at fine scales. We will study the dynamic consequences of this dynamic heterogeneity by State-Transition Modelling (STM). STM provides a synthesis of states and transformations in non-equilibrium ecosystems and it is widely used in rangeland ecology and management. We will construct STM for various dry and mesic Hungarian grasslands where repeated fine-scale vegetation maps and long-term microcoenological monitoring data are available. Using STM we will predict responses of particular grasslands to climatic stress or disturbances. We will use simple field experiments and long-term retrospective data to compare functional responses of grasslands with contrasting local land use history and contrasting initial states. Vegetation responses will be interpreted by plant functional traits.

Deadline for application: 2018-05-31

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