Thesis topic proposal
Attila Hunyadi
Studies on oxidized metabolites of antioxidants


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Attila Hunyadi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Szeged
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZ

Description of the research topic:

The bioactivity of antioxidants is generally defined through their effect on oxidative stress, the specific bioactivities of their necessarily forming oxidized metabolites are, however, very frequently overlooked. Based on sporadic literature data and our own preliminary results, there are a number of such metabolites that can interfere with cellular survival mechanisms in a specific manner and completely different way as compared to their parental compounds. The present PhD work aims to prepare oxidized antioxidant metabolites through various, primarily biomimetic chemical reactions, and to study their bioactivity with a focus on antitumor effects. The complex mixtures are processed through bioactivity-guided isolation with consecutive use of chromatographic techniques of different selectivities. The work involves intensive international collaboration, hence good English language skills are a must.

Required language skills: fluent english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-06-30

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