Thesis topic proposal
György Lengyel
Attitudes of economic and social actors


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
Doctoral School of Sociology

Thesis supervisor: György Lengyel
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Corvinus University of Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: BCE

Description of the research topic:

This broad topic is about the attitudes of economic and social actors, including elites, entrepreneurs and employees. The general questions are how do material, social and cultural resources influence attitudes and what is the role of attitudes in the formation of life chances. The main sites of our theoretically driven empirical research are the followings:

- Subjective well-being, dignity and action potential
- Entrepreneurship and migration: alternatives within the exit option
- Elites and the public opinion
- Generalized and institutional trust
- Social context of expectations, aspirations and fears

Ideally the proposal in substantive terms is related to one of the problems above and relies among others on secondary analysis of surveys like WVS, EVS, ESS, SOEP or other data available in databanks. Qualitative research is also welcome where appropriate.

For the purpose of orientation you may have a look at chapters of the following books:

Lengyel Gy. 2012 Potential Entrepreneurs;
Göncz B. et al.(eds) 2012 Migrants and the Hungarian Society. Dignity, Justice and Civic Integration;
Best, H. et al. (eds) 2012 The Europe of Elites

which are available here: http://portal.uni-corvinus.hu/index.php?id=23240

Required language skills: angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-05-02

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