Thesis topic proposal
Social conditions and effects of the European integration process


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
Doctoral School of Sociology

Thesis supervisor: Borbála Göncz
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
Abbreviation of location of studies: BCE

Description of the research topic:

In their 2009 article Favell and Guiraudon draw attention to the lack of the sociological approach in studies on European integration – mainly in the focus of political science or international relations up until now. There is an absence of the traditional sociological perspectives, sociological subjects or empirical studies while there exists an European structure, a regional integration partly arising from the European integration process.

The aim of this research stream is to study an eventually rising European social space, its manifestation and dynamics, the way it is related to the European integration process and the way it is structured by the European Union. Analyses might involve comparison over time and between countries using large scale international surveys. Possible subjects include identification, transnationalism, values and value changes, territorial mobility, cross-border social movements, European public sphere among others. There is a possibility to join an ongoing research on European elite’s and public’s attitudes towards the EU allowing for both comparison over time and between countries.


Bartolini, Stefano (2007): Restructuring Europe: centre formation, system building and political structuring between the nation-state and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Delanty, G. (1995) Inventing Europe: Idea, Identity, Reality (New York: St.Martin's Press)

Favell, Adrian – Guiraudon, Virginie (Eds.) (2011): Sociology of the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan

Favell, Adrian – Guiraudon, Virginie (2009): „The Sociology of the European Union. An Agenda”. European Union Politics. Volume 10 (4): 550–576

Immerfall, Stefan – Therborn, Göran (Eds.) (2010): Handbook of European Societies. Social Transformations in the 21st Century. Springer

Therborn, G. (1995) European Modernity and Beyond: The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945-2000 (London: Sage)

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-05-02

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