Thesis topic proposal
Gábor Késmárky
Investigation of variables affecting blood and oxygen supplementation in peripheral arterial diseases


Institute: University of Pécs
clinical medicine
Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine

Thesis supervisor: Gábor Késmárky
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PTE ÁOK Pécs, Szigeti u. 12.
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁOK

Description of the research topic:

A significant part of the population suffers from peripheral arterial diseases but the awareness of these diseases is much lower, the secondary prevention and even the symptomatic treatment are inappropriate frequently compared to the vascular disorders. Therefore we are aiming to investigate those factors which can affect the blood and oxygen supplementation of the extremities performing cardiological, angiological, haemorheological and tissue oxygen tension examinations in order to be able to salvage the limbs and improve life quality. We examine the effects of the various pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies on these variables and limb survival.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-05-18

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