Thesis topic proposal
Ábrahám Kovács
Religious Fundamentalism and Conservativism in Scotland


Institute: University of Debrecen
Doctoral School of History and Ethnology

Thesis supervisor: Ábrahám Kovács
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Debrecen, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Main Building, III. floor, 311. room
Abbreviation of location of studies: DEBTK

Description of the research topic:

Scottish Enlightenment was one of the greatest achievements of European intellectual history. However, its dialogue partners such as Protestant Evangelicalism and political conservativism are less known. Possible researchers are invited to study the role of both phenomenon in relation to state and church activities and enquire about the intellectual and religious tenets of selected persons (Alexander Keith, John Duncan, Henry Drummond, Alexander Moody-Stuart, fathers of the Disruption such as Robert Rainy, William Cunningham, James Bannerman, David Brown and many others) from the nineteenth and twentieth century.

The particular topic will be determined after consultation with the applicant.

Deadline for application: 2018-02-16

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