Thesis topic proposal
Géza Husi
Industry 4.0 informatical references


Institute: University of Debrecen
computer sciences
Doctoral School of Informatics

Thesis supervisor: Géza Husi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kai
Abbreviation of location of studies: DE IK

Description of the research topic:

Industry 4.0 is becoming a reality for domestic firms too. As the usage of smartphones has changed our every day life the more conservative, traditional branches of industry cannot avoid the headway of the information technology. Industry 4.0 is based on the network connection of different elements. Intelligent communication systems take the role of a control system which measure definite results at different levels of the automation pyramid. The centre of the solutions given by firms using Industry 4.0 is the intelligent connection of people, machines and objects in real time. the aim is to produce individual products using industrial technology with the possible most efficient way and similar cost like in quantity production. Production set up in network insures continuous information flow to which intelligent pieces are connected that can communicate with machines how it (itself) must be worked. The aim of the doctoral theme is to achieve basic and applied researches by the principles of Industry 4.0.

A témában még nem készültek lényeges szakirodalmak, hiszen az ipar 4.0 (az ipar 4. forradalma) 2015-ben került meghírdetésre.

Not any fundamental literature has been written in this theme as Industry 4.0 was announced in 2015.(the 4th revolution of industry)

Husi Géza: Ipar 4.0 jegyzet Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Kar, 2016
Bernd Leukert: Production of the Future How to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Best-Run Businesses Run SAP, 2016
Klaus Helmrich | Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG: On the Way to Industrie 4.0 – The Digital Enterprise, Siemens
William MacDougall: INDUSTRIE 4.0 SMART MANUFACTURING FOR THE FUTURE Germany Trade and Invest, Berlin, 2015

Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-02-16

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