Thesis topic proposal
High resolution analysis of biological samples using single cell mass cytometry


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Biology

Thesis supervisor: Gábor János Szebeni
Location of studies (in Hungarian): HAS BRC Laboratory of Functional Genomics
Abbreviation of location of studies: SzBK

Description of the research topic:

We focus on the multiparametric and functional characterization of biological samples using single cell mass cytometry. Detection is based on antibodies which are labeled by stable metal isotopes. In contrast to flow cytometry currently it is possible to stain one sample with around 45 antibodies due to the lack of signal overlap. Multiplexing extends with the increasing availability of metal tags, the number of channels is 135.
Homogenous cell suspensions are prepared from biological samples (blood, tumor, different tissues) then subsequently labeled by antibodies to detect cell surface and/or intracellular markers at single cell resolution.
The monitoring of the complex immunophenotype is highly relevant in several human diseases which have been previously restricted to limited number of markers with flow cytometry compared to single cell mass cytometry. Human systemic autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythemathosus and systemic sclerosis) are under investigation. The cellular complexity and functional heterogeneity of solid tumors, inflammatory diseases and animal models (tumor, bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes) will be also analysed by single cell mass spectrometry.

Required language skills: fluent English written/oral
Further requirements: 
Previous experience working with mammalian cells and with flow cytometry is an advantage.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2017-12-31

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