Thesis topic proposal
Environmental adaptation of microalgae


Institute: University of Szeged
environmental sciences
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Bettina Ughy
Location of studies (in Hungarian): SZTE-SZBK
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZBK

Description of the research topic:

Microalgae are in the focus of basic and applied research due to their importance in biotechnological applications. Growth and productivity of photosynthetic organisms are significantly affected by their growth conditions. Acclimation to environmental conditions is pivotal for plants and algae; indeed, they mobilize various strategies, when exposed to stress. Photosynthesis is very sensitive to changes in the environmental conditions, because it needs to balance the absorbed light energy with the energy consumed by metabolic processes of the organisms. Accumulation of certain components and changes in the membrane composition can play important role in environmental adaptation. We are to investigate the photosynthetic performance and the changes in the membrane composition of various microalga strains under different conditions in order to understand better the adaptation mechanisms and the relations between the environmental effects and the membrane composition and the regulation of cell division.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2017-12-14

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