Thesis topic proposal
Sustainability and social justice, ecological economics and transformation


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School in Economics

Thesis supervisor: György Málovics
Location of studies (in Hungarian): https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=314&lang=HU
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZTE

Description of the research topic:

According to ecological economics, there is a need for socioeconomic transformation in order to make a move toward environmentally sustainable and socially just economic and social processes. The reason is that the incremental “greening” (environmental reform) might not be enough for a transition to sustainable and just socio-economic order.
Within present research topic doctoral students are supposed carry out research in relation to socioeconomic transformation/transition processes/initiatives which are aimed at sustainability and social justice on different spatial levels (from the local to the global).
In relation to research design, qualitative and especially cooperative and participatory research approaches are supported.

Literature (suggested reading for prospective students):

Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J.M., Pel, B., Weaver, P., Dumitru, A., Haxeltine, A., Kemp, R., Jørgensen, M.S., Bauler, T., Ruijsink, S., O’Riordan, T., 2019. Transformative social innovation and (dis)empowerment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 145, 195–206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2017.05.002

Bradbury, H., Waddell, S., O’ Brien, K., Apgar, M., Teehankee, B., Fazey, I., 2019. A call to Action Research for Transformations: The times demand it. Action Research 17, 3–10. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476750319829633

Bradbury-Huang, H., 2010. What is good action research?: Why the resurgent interest? Action Research 8, 93– 109. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476750310362435

Gowdy, J., Erickson, J.D., 2005. The approach of ecological economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics 29, 207–
222. https://doi.org/10.1093/cje/bei033

Hopwood, B., Mellor, M., O’Brien, G., 2005. Sustainable development: mapping different approaches.
Sustainable Development 13, 38–52. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.244

Illge, L., Schwarze, R., 2009. A matter of opinion—How ecological and neoclassical environmental economists and think about sustainability and economics. Ecological Economics 68, 594–604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.08.010

Málovics Gy. - Cretan, R. - Mereine-Berki B. - Tóth (2019): Socio-environmental justice, participatory development, and empowerment of segregated urban Roma: Lessons from Szeged, Hungary. Cities https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2018.11.013

Málovics Gy. – Méreiné Berki B. – Mihály M. (2021): Policy reform instead of policy transformation? Experiences of participatory action research (PAR) on desegregation policy in Szeged, Hungary. IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 17(1): 81-101. https://doi.org/10.3224/ijar.v17i1.05

Málovics Gy. – Méreiné Berki B. –Pataki Gy. – Juhász J. –Pálné Mihók B. – Szentistványi I. – Nagy M. –Tóth J. (2021): Confronting espoused theories with theories-in-use: Challenges of participatory action research (PAR) with marginalized communities in contributing to social change and theory building. Action Research 19(2): 255- 276. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1476750318774389

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-05-15

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