Thesis topic proposal
Mónika Besenyei
Public administration aspects of ESG (environmental, social and governance)


Institute: National University of Public Service, Budapest
public administration
Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Mónika Besenyei
Location of studies (in Hungarian): https://en.uni-nke.hu/study-programs/doctoral-programs/phd-in-public-administration-sciences/research-topics
Abbreviation of location of studies: NKE

Description of the research topic:

Public management and sociology

The research area prefers topics dealing with the organizational and operational dimensions of public administration, which concern with the systemic attributes of public administration, operational and activity processes, questions of how they are organized and managed, and individual organizational tools. Issues related to the development of public administration are be analyzed not only in relation to the organizational system as a whole, but also to individual public bodies. The examination of the general concepts of administration, organization, leadership, control, and management in specific systems and activity types also belongs to this field. The topics of e-public administration and the digital state also belong to this field.

Public administration as a sector is a key player in the economy of any country, and in a modern state it has an important role to play in achieving sustainable development goals, not just an executive role. ESG (E - environmental, S - social, G - governance) is undoubtedly a revolutionary tool that creates a competitive advantage for organisations with lower risks through financial instruments. It does so by "taking ESG considerations into account when making investment decisions in the financial sector, leading to increased long-term investment in sustainable economic activities and projects" (EC, 2023).
The involvement of public administrations would be strategic in ESG efforts, as the economic weight of the sector is not negligible even if actors are ranked in terms of direct carbon emissions. However, the indirect effects of public administration (such as economic shaping through public investment, leading by example, or shaping the attitudes of employees) should not be overlooked.
Consideration should be given to extending reporting obligations to both public companies and public administrations. This requires the inclusion of these sectors in the reporting framework and support for the preparation of the relevant reports. In contrast to market actors, the introduction of ESG reporting requirements for public bodies could be particularly effective in the case of centralised intentions.
However, it should not be overlooked that for most public institutions (as in the business sector), data collection can be a barrier, but overcoming this barrier, i.e. integrating operational (environmental, social, governance) and management data into an information system, has benefits beyond ESG.
The research within this theme aims to explore the public sector aspects of ESG from several angles, ranging from the application of ESG within public administrations to the administrative implications of ESG results for business.

Number of students who can be accepted: 4

Deadline for application: 2024-03-31

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