Thesis topic proposal
Contribution of amygdalar vasopressin in the development of autism spectrum disorder


Institute: University of Pécs
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Basic Medicine

Thesis supervisor: Dóra Zelena
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PTE ÁOK
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁOK

Description of the research topic:

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder with increasing prevalence worldwide. Social problems are key symptoms, where vasopressin might have a gender dependent role, influencing mainly males. Indeed, latest clinical studies suggested some beneficial effect of vasopressin administration, but still not enough attention was given to the gender differences and to the contributing brain areas and receptor subtypes. Here we would like to focus on the amygdala, as a major centrum of affection and social behaviour and examine the possible influencing effect of the amygdalar vasopressin production on gender-dependent social behavior in relation to ASD. Valproat-induced ASD will be used as a model in AVP-Cre mice strain. Using fibrephotometry and slide electrophysiology (MEA) we aimed to reveal disturbed activation of vasopressinergic neurones in the amygdala of animals showing ASD-like symptoms. With chemogenetic manipulation we would like to stimulate/inhibit these cells in both gender to reveal gender-specific regulatory role of this neuropeptide in the development of ASD. In vitro techniques (RNAscope, immunhistochemistry) will be combined with viral tracer injection as well as voltametry to fully characterize the amygdalar AVPergic neurones (afferent-efferent connections, other neurotransmitter content and release) and the changes in these population after ASD induction. Our results may add to our understanding about the brain mechanism of ASD as well as may suggest a gender-specific treatment options.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-16

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