Thesis topic proposal
Péter Hegyi
Examination of the composition of early enteral nutrition in animal models with experimental and spontaneous pancreatitis


Institute: University of Pécs
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Pharmacologycal and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Péter Hegyi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PTE ÁOK Pécs, Szigeti u. 12.
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁOK

Description of the research topic:

The aim of our study is to evaluate the possible beneficial effects of early enteral feeding of high-energy diets containing different amount of fatty acids in the treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis using a spontaneous canine model of the disease. On the basis of scientific literature early enteral feeding is recommended against parenteral feeding in the treatment of acute pancreatitis. The diets used for this purpose are usually normal fat concentration. However, despite this practice, no studies have yet been performed to prove if this is beneficial or a disadvantage namely is there a difference in the kinetics of the disease in case of a diet with zero-fat or a high-hat concentration.
We would like to study the problem mentioned above with the use experimental (mouse and rat) and spontaneous (canine) model. First we plan to examine the dosage and time-dependency on the experimental models, then we perform a prospective, randomised, double blinded clinical study on the effects of diets with different fat-concentration in a naturally occured canine model of the disease. It is known that pancreatitis occurs more often in dog and especially in certain breeds of dogs (e.g. cocker spaniels, miniature schnauzers) than in humans. Clinical picture and treatment are the same in both humans and dogs therefore dogs can serve as a valuable, spontaneous, naturally occurring model of the human pancreatitis. In the experimental models we induce pancreatitis with the use of cerulein and basic amino acids, while spontaneous pancreatitis in canines is routinely diagnosed based on clinical symptoms (acute onset vomitus, severe abdominal pain, schock) and confirmed by the examination of certain blood parameters (complete blood count, amylase, lipase, canine pancreas specific lipase, C-reactive protein) and abdominal ultrasonography.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-16

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