Thesis topic proposal
Andrea Opitz
The young solar wind and its propagation


Institute: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Doctoral School of Physics

Thesis supervisor: Andrea Opitz
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Abbreviation of location of studies: ELKH

Description of the research topic:

"The continuous particle flow emerging from the Sun is called the solar wind. It spreads into the interplanetary space and interacts with the different celestial bodies of the Solar System. The solar wind dominated space is called the heliosphere and extends beyond 100 AU. This is a multi-spacecraft study of the solar wind. We focus on the inner heliosphere, which we define as the space around our central star inside Mars orbit. Thanks to the recent near-Sun spacecraft (NASA Parker Solar Probe and ESA Solar Orbiter), detailed study of the young solar wind is possible. We will analyse the plasma and magnetic field observations of several spacecraft and support our conclusions by comparing them with model results.

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
MSc in Physics, Geophysics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Science or related fields.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-31

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