Thesis topic proposal
Ildikó Csóka
Gábor Katona
Development of functionalized protein-based nanoparticles for improved drug delivery


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Gábor Katona
co-supervisor: Ildikó Csóka
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Szeged
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZTE

Description of the research topic:

Penetration of drugs into the central nervous system is challenging due to the existence of blood-brain barrier. The application of functionalized nano carriers means a potential strategy to overcome these hurdles. The aim of the proposed research is to functionalize protein-based nanoparticles, in order to improve blood-brain permeability of central nervous system related drugs. This approach may bring novel insights in the effective treatment of several neurodegenerative diseases. Within the framework of the project simple chemical synthesis and in vitro characterization methods, plate-based investigations are utilized in order to describe the drug release and blood-brain barrier permeability properties of optimized formulations.

Required language skills: fluent english
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): fluent english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2023-08-20

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