Thesis topic proposal
Dalma Geréné Radványi
Methode development for investigation essential oils in food products


Institute: Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő
food sciences
Doctoral School of Food Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Dalma Geréné Radványi
co-supervisor: Zsuzsanna Jókainé Szatura
Location of studies (in Hungarian): MATE, Élelmiszerkémia és -Analitika Tanszék
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÉAT

Description of the research topic:

Essential oils (EOs) are very common natural plant products and among other qualities they possess various biological properties. EOs and aromachemicals are low-volume high-value products used among us in feed, food, and beverage industries. Extracted EOs are often used in the flavor and fragrance industry and in addition in food industry.
Essential oils have become an integral part of everyday life. They are used in a great variety of ways: as food fl avorings, as feed additives, as fl avoring agents by the cigarette industry, and in the compounding of cosmetics and perfumes.
Very large quantities of natural essential oils are used by the food and fl avor industries for the fl avoring of smallgoods, fast foods, ice creams, beverages, both alcoholic as well as nonalcoholic soft drinks, and so on. Their medicinal properties have been known for many years and even centuries. Some possess antibacterial or antifungal activity while others may assist with the digestion of food. However some terpenoids are not welcomed in food products, such as thujone.
Essential oils in different food products can be analysed by GC-MS, while changes in non-volatile components can be analysed by HPLC-TOFMS. Metabolits of different essential oils and terpenoids or terpenoid derivatives can be also monitored by coupled analytical techniques.
The applicant is expected to get a deep understanding of analytical and statistical methods. Applications are invited from students interested in essential oils, volatile compounds, especially terpenoid compounds. The work will introduce the candidate to analytical techniques (HS-SPME-GC-MS, HPLC-qTOF MS) and statistical methods.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2022-12-08

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