Thesis topic proposal
György Andrássy
Human Rights, Protection of Minorities, Migration Legal Problems which Affect the Linguistic, Cultural and Religious Future of Humankind


Institute: University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Law

Thesis supervisor: György Andrássy
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PTE ÁJK Jogbölcseleti és Társadalomelméleti Tanszék
Abbreviation of location of studies: AJK

Description of the research topic:

Our world is characterized by linguistic, cultural and religious diversity and this diversity is reflected in most states: almost all states have linguistic, cultural and/or religious majorities and minorities.

After the Second World War international protection of minorities was included into the evolving system of international protection of human rights. However, the results, for the time being are not satisfactory enough either from a theoretical or a practical point of view: although international human rights law became relatively extended in this area, especially in Europe, and the existing instruments have their implementation mechanisms, the system still seems to be, to a certain degree theoretically incoherent and inconsistent and probably this is why it has not yet been able to solve but only mitigate the serious conflicts and tensions in the real world. Hence, there exists a set of important theoretical problems to be solved.

The problems appear most spectacularly in the legal institution of official language. States cannot function without one or more than one official language but they do not make official all the languages spoken in their territory and hence they seem not comply with the requirements of fundamental human rights principles: they treat differently and discriminate those persons of which the languages have not become official. However, it seems that the states cannot eliminate the problems in question since a great number of languages are spoken in their territory and it would be impractical to give official language status to all of them. And similar problems occur with regard to certain cultural and religious commitments of the states as well, true, in more moderate forms. While insisting on compliance with fundamental human rights principles mentioned above, implementation bodies of international instruments try to eliminate or at least mitigate the theoretical anomalies and the practical conflicts in question mostly by making differentiations between the rights of historical and immigrant minorities or persons belonging to them.

The supervisor has been researching the subject-matter for a long time and he has been successful in finding out a solution to its main problems. In her/his research programme a PhD student may take part in the development of the supervisor’s theory, however this is not a requirement; the PhD project provides an opportunity for PhD students for an academic research practically in all themes of the broad issue in their chosen approach both in theoretical-philosophical contexts and from a legal point of view, focusing either on international or national or European law.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2019-06-05

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