Thesis topic proposal
Gábor London
Functional organic materials – molecular switches


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Chemistry

Thesis supervisor: Gábor London
Location of studies (in Hungarian): MTA TTK Institute of Organic Chemistry, Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: TTK

Description of the research topic:

Functional organic materials involve, among others, fluorescent dyes for imaging purposes, π-systems with optical and electronic properties, multi-state molecular switches that are able to control chemical or biological phenomena or organic polymers with (electro)catalytic properties.
The proposed research is focusing on the broadening of the currently known structural and functional space in the area of organic materials chemistry. This goal will be targeted through using available molecular properties (such as photoswitching) in novel chemical environments and through the synthesis of unprecedented molecular structures with intriguing properties.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-05-31

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