Thesis topic proposal
Anna Dunay
Competitiveness and development of micro, small and medium enterprises and innovation driven enterprises, analysis of entrepreneurial attitudes


Institute: Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő
business and management
Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

Thesis supervisor: Anna Dunay
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Szent István University
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZIU

Description of the research topic:

The research topic focuses on the role of the entrepreneurial sphere in different sectors and industries. The research focuses on the micro, small and medium enterprises and the different stages of the entrepreneurial process. A main objective of the research is to explore the positive and negative impacts of external forces and threats of the macro-environment, and to make an international comparison between our direct competitors (EU member states, CEE countries) and other potential competitor countries. A highlighted goal of the research is to explore and assess the entrepreneurial attitudes, the entrepreneurial competences and knowledge of different groups of the society. The research deals with the innovation driven enterprises as well, as nowadays, these enterprises plays an increasingly important role. Besides using international and domestic secondary databases the research requires primary data collection, as for conducting research in the topic of competitiveness and exploring the development opportunities of different sectors, the stakeholders of the sector shall be surveyed and assessed. The research deals with the managerial tasks of starting new enterprises and the operation of existing enterprises, and gives insight into the changes of the owners’ and managers’ role and attitudes along the lifecycle of the enterprise. It also deals with the changes in corporate responsibility in the different lifecycle stages.
Actuality of the topic: The role of micro, small and medium enterprises is well known all over the world, they are the accelerators of national economies and represent important social and economic impacts in every countries. The knowledge and skills which are required for starting and operating enterprises can be learned; the attitudes and entrepreneurial skills can be assessed and evaluated. For a successful enterprise management and development the motivations, attitudes, the knowledge and responsibilities should be assessed, the challenges might be evaluated and good solutions should be improved. The research will search for the answers on these questions and proposals.

Deadline for application: 2018-05-31

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