Thesis topic proposal
Péter Dániel Simor
The heterogeneity of REM sleep


Institute: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Doctoral School of Psychology

Thesis supervisor: Péter Dániel Simor
Location of studies (in Hungarian): ELTE, Doctoral School of Psychology
Abbreviation of location of studies: PDI

Description of the research topic:

Sleep is a very heterogeneous state involving markedly different states regarding physiological and mental activity. Within the frames of this research project, we plan to examine the heterogeneity of one of the most puzzling sleep states: REM sleep. We plan to study phasic and tonic REM states, two markedly different microstates of REM sleep by analyzing cortical oscillations in healthy and disturbed sleep. The aim of the project is to examine cortical oscillations as well as frequency-specific synchronization between different cortical areas during phasic and tonic REM periods. We plan to study the phenomena based on the recordings of different samples, including healthy individuals, nightmare sufferers, insomnia patients and epileptic patients implanted with pre-surgical intracranial electrodes. Our main hypothesis is that during tonic REM periods the activity of the frontoparietal network underlying attentional functions is relatively increased resembling the patterns found in resting wakefulness.
Simor, P., Gombos, F., Blaskovich, B., Bódizs, R. Long-range alpha/beta and short-range gamma EEG synchronization distinguishes phasic and tonic REM periods. SLEEP, zsx210, https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsx210
Simor, P., Gombos, F., Szakadát, S., Sándor, P. and Bódizs, R. (2016). EEG spectral power in phasic and tonic REM sleep: different patterns in young adults and children. Journal of Sleep Research. 25, 3, 269-277. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12376

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-04-24

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