Thesis topic proposal
Béla Janky
The public image of poverty and the formation of welfare attitudes


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
Doctoral School of Sociology

Thesis supervisor: Béla Janky
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Corvinus University of Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: BCE

Description of the research topic:

In an era of recurring waves of welfare state retrenchment, the public image of poverty has become a crucial issue in social policy research. In the past two decades, several studies have warned about the role popular media might play in the stigmatization of the poor. Research in the US tends to focus on the ethnic/racial bias: The over-representation of some stigmatized groups in media reports on poverty could contribute to the extension of the ethnic stereotypes to the whole group of welfare recipients. Some European scholars, on the other hand, point to the potential effects of the institutional context on the predominant ways of media portrayal of the poor. Namely, in certain welfare regimes, but not in others, social policy debates revolve around the issue of deservingness and the assistance to the poorest ones.
The image of the poor could be a relevant issue in Hungary as well, where new restrictions on cash benefits have transformed the welfare system in recent years.

Infrastructure and Support
The doctorate student can participate in a research program which aims to explore the effects of media portrayal of poverty on the public attitudes towards welfare transfers. The empirical methods to be used could include survey experiment and content analysis.

Albrekt Larsen, Christian and Thomas E. Dejgaard (2013 ) “The Institutional Logic of Images of the Poor and Welfare Recipients. A Comparative Study of British, Swedish and Danish Newspapers.” Journal of European Social Policy 23(3): 287-299.
Bogdán Mária, Feischmidt Margit, Guld Ádám (szerk.) (2013) "Csak másban." Romareprezentáció a magyar médiában. Budapest, Pécs, Gondolat-PTE.
Gilens, Martin (1999). Why Americans Hate Welfare. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Hammer Ferenc (2006) Közbeszéd és társadalmi igazságosság. A Fókusz szegénységábrázolásának értelmezése. Budapest: Gondolat.
Iyengar, Shanto (1990), „Framing Responsibility for Political Issues: The Case of Poverty” Political Behavior 12: 19-40.
Lepianka, D., Van Oorschot, W., & Gelissen, J. P. T. M. (2009). Popular explanations of poverty: A critical discussion of empirical research. Journal of Social Policy, 38(3), 421-438.
Messing Vera and Gábor Bernáth (2013). Pushed to the Edge.: Research Report on the Representation of Roma Communities in the Hungarian Majority Media, 2011. CPS Working Papers, 2013/1., CEU, Budapest.
Mutz, Diane C. (2011). Population-based survey experiments. Princeton University Press.
Weiner, B. (1995). Judgments of responsibility: A foundation for a theory of social conduct. Guilford Press.

Required language skills: angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-05-02

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