Thesis topic proposal
László Lovas
Cooperation between cranial bone and implant


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
transportation and vehicle engineering
Kálmán Kandó Doctoral School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering

Thesis supervisor: László Lovas
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis
Abbreviation of location of studies: JSZT

Description of the research topic:

In neurosurgical practice, the cranial bone is often partly removed due to accident or to give access to internal problems in the crane. After the partial recovery of the patient, the missing bone part has to be restored. The restoration is mainly realized with implants made with CAD/CAM methods. The fixation of the implants and the cooperation of the crane and the implant during the growth of the cranial bone are interesting domains for research.

Goal of the research:
Modeling the fixation of the implant. Modeling the load transmission between implant and cranial bone.

Work to be done:
Survey of the scientific literature: 1 year
Numerical model building: 1,5 year
Simulations, study and discussion of the results 1 year
Writing the thesis: 0,5 year

Expected scientific results:
New scientific method to model the load transmission. Proposal for optimal fixation of the implants.

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
- good knowledge of 3D CAD systems
- good knowledge of finite elements theory
- good knowledge of finite element softwares
- good programming skills (Matlab, C#…)

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-07-05

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