Data of the public discussion
The University of Pannonia Doctoral Committee
and the
Doctoral School of Business and Management
doctoral school
has organized the public discussion of
Dorottya Edina Kozma
Dorottya Edina Kozma
"A fenntartható fejlődés empirikus vizsgálata az Európai Unióban" (2020)
in research field business and management
Date of the public discussion of the thesis: 2021-I-21 10:00
place: Veszprém, Pannon Egyetem
Main findings in the thesis (in Hungarian)
Main findings in the thesis (in English)
The thesis
publication list of the doctoral candidate in MTMT
Ádám Török
head of the school
Katalin Molnárné Barna, Ildikó Neumanné Virág
Thesis supervisor
Date of diploma: 2021. II. 08.

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