Data of the public discussion
The University of Pannonia Doctoral Committee
and the
Doctoral School of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences
doctoral school
has organized the public discussion of
Attila János Trájer
Attila János Trájer
"The ecology of mosquito and sandfly vectors and their pathogens in a changing environment" (2019)
in research field environmental sciences
Date of the public discussion of the thesis: 2019-XI-14 10:30
place: Pannon Egyetem 'M' épület I. em. Kováts terem (Veszprém, Wartha Vince utca 1.)
Main findings in the thesis (in Hungarian)
Main findings in the thesis (in English)
The thesis
publication list of the doctoral candidate in MTMT
further information
Ottó Horváth
head of the school
Judit Padisák
Thesis supervisor
Date of diploma: 2019. XI. 26.

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