Data of the public discussion
The University of Szeged Doctoral Committee
and the
Doctoral School of History
doctoral school
has organized the public discussion of
Norbert Falusi
"Uralkodó magyar eszmék a változásban Erdély 1910-1922." (2018)
in research field history
Date of the public discussion of the thesis: 2018-VII-02 11:00
place: Szegedi Tudományegyetem BTK Szeged Egyetem u. 2. földszint Kari Konferenciaterem
Main findings in the thesis (in Hungarian)
Main findings in the thesis (in English)
The thesis
publication list of the doctoral candidate in MTMT
Sándor Papp
head of the school
Nándor Bárdi
Thesis supervisor
Date of diploma: 2018. X. 11.

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