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Personal data
Anikó Keller-Pintér
name Anikó Keller-Pintér
name of institution
doctoral school
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. SzTE Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Medical Scienses 100%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Szeged
Contact details
phone number +36 62 545-096
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2010
discipline to which degree belongs theoretical medicine
institution granting the degree Semmelweis University
scientific degree, title Habilitation
year degree was obtained 2022
discipline to which degree belongs theoretical medicine
institution granting the degree University of Szeged
2007 - University of Szeged
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 9
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 4
students who obtained their degrees:
Zoltán Márton Köhler PhD 2023  DSMMS
Kitti Szabó PhD 2022  DSMMS
Dániel Becsky PhD 2021  DSMMS
Tamás Kocsis PhD 2017  DSMMS

students with degree granting in process:
(50%) Ágnes Szalenko-Tőkés PhD (2025/01)  DSMMS
present PhD students:
Barnabás Horváth (PhD) (2026/08)  DSMMS
Enikő Tóth (PhD) (2026/01)  DSMMS
(50%) Éva Tóth (PhD) (2025/08)  DSMMS
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Cell polarity, migration, and cell-cell fusion. Muscle regeneration, satellite stem cells. Regulation of muscle size, and increase by nanotechnology. Glucose uptake of muscle, insulin resistance.
research field in which current research is conducted theoretical medicine

Köhler Zoltán Márton, Trencsényi György, Juhász László, Zvara Ágnes, Szabó P Judit, Dux László, Puskás G László, Rovó László, Keller-Pintér Anikó: Tilorone increases glucose uptake in vivo and in skeletal muscle cells by enhancing Akt2/AS160 signaling and glucose transporter levels, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 238: (5) pp. 1080-1094.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Szabo Kitti, Varga Daniel, Vegh Attila Gergely, Liu Ning, Xiao Xue, Xu Lin, Dux Laszlo, Erdelyi Miklos, Rovo Laszlo, Keller-Pinter Aniko: Syndecan-4 affects myogenesis via Rac1-mediated actin remodeling and exhibits copy-number amplification and increased expression in human rhabdomyosarcoma tumors, CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 79: (2) 122
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Keller-Pinter Aniko, Gyulai-Nagy Szuzina, Becsky Daniel, Dux Laszlo, Rovo Laszlo: Syndecan-4 in Tumor Cell Motility, CANCERS 13: (13) 3322
type of document: Journal paper/Review paper
number of independent citations: 14
language: English

Becsky Daniel, Gyulai-Nagy Szuzina, Balind Arpad, Horvath Peter, Dux Laszlo, Keller-Pinter Aniko: Myoblast Migration and Directional Persistence Affected by Syndecan-4-Mediated Tiam-1 Expression and Distribution, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 21: (3) 823
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 7
language: English

Becsky Dániel, Szabó Kitti, Gyulai-Nagy Szuzina, Gajdos Tamás, Bartos Zsuzsa, Bálind Árpád, Dux László, Horváth Péter, Erdélyi Miklós, Homolya László, Keller-Pintér Anikó: Syndecan-4 Modulates Cell Polarity and Migration by Influencing Centrosome Positioning and Intracellular Calcium Distribution, FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 8: 575227
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 9
language: English

Sztretye M, Dienes B, Gönczi M, Czirják T, Csernoch L, Dux L, Szentesi P, Keller-Pinter A: Astaxanthin: A Potential Mitochondrial-Targeted Antioxidant Treatment in Diseases and with Aging, OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY 2019: 3849692
type of document: Journal paper/Review paper
number of independent citations: 120
language: English

Keller-Pinter A, Szabo K, Kocsis T, Deak F, Ocsovszki I, Zvara A, Puskas L, Szilak L, Dux L: Syndecan-4 influences mammalian myoblast proliferation by modulating myostatin signalling and G1/S transition, FEBS LETTERS 592: (18) pp. 3139-3151.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 11
language: English

Kocsis T, Trencsenyi G, Szabo K, Baan JA, Muller G, Mendler L, Garai I, Reinauer H, Deak F, Dux L, Keller-Pinter A: Myostatin propeptide mutation of the hypermuscular Compact mice decreases the formation of myostatin and improves insulin sensitivity, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 312: (3) pp. E150-E160.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 10
language: English

Keller-Pinter A, Bottka S, Timar J, Kulka J, Katona R, Dux L, Deak F, Szilak L: Syndecan-4 promotes cytokinesis in a phosphorylation-dependent manner, CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 67: (11) pp. 1881-1894.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 21
language: English

Letoha T, Keller A, Kusz E, Kolozsi Cs, Bozsó Zs, Tóth G, Vízler Cs, Oláh Z, Szilák L: Cell-penetrating Peptide Exploited Syndecans, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES 1798: (12) pp. 2258-2265.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 106
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:300 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
further relevant information regarding accreditation (in Hungarian)
Patents: Szilak L, Keller-Pinter A, Letoha T, Timar J. „Intracellular targeting of molecules” (EP 2078195) „Intracellular targeting of molecules via syndecan-4” (US 20090305329) Szilak L, Keller-Pinter A, Letoha T, Timar J. „Syndecan-4 a regulator of Rac1-GTP” EP 20090786696, US 20110124572 Szilak L, Katona R, Keller-Pinter A, Letoha T, Timar J. „Angiostatin Chimeras and Uses Thereof” EP 121553689; US 61/598371

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