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personal data approved: 2024. II. 23.
Personal data
Péter Reményi
name Péter Reményi
name of institution
doctoral school
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. PTE Doctoral School of Earth Sciences 100%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Pécs
Contact details
E-mail address remkogamma.ttk.pte.hu
phone number +36 72 501-531
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2009
discipline to which degree belongs earth sciences
institution granting the degree University of Pécs
scientific degree, title Habilitation
year degree was obtained 2018
discipline to which degree belongs earth sciences
institution granting the degree University of pécs
other (not specified) (tudományos munkatárs)
2005 - University of Pécs
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 1.5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 0
students who obtained their degrees:
(50%) Péter Glofák PhD 2024  DSES-PTE
(50%) Dániel Gábor Csapó PhD 2023  DSES-PTE
(50%) Dávid Sümeghy PhD 2022  DSES-PTE

students with degree granting in process:
Norbert Hegedüs PhD (2025/01)  DSES-PTE
completed course requirement:
(50%) András Málnássy (PhD) 2022/01  DSES-PTE
(50%) Barnabás Gergely (PhD) 2018/08  DSES-PTE
(50%) Péter Glofák (PhD) 2022/08  DSES-PTE
Péter Tamás Bózsó (PhD) 2023/08  DSES-PTE
(50%) Ramóna Vers (PhD) 2018/08  DSES-PTE
(50%) Szilárd Rácz (PhD) 2020/08  DSES-PTE
(50%) Tibor Pap (PhD) 2020/08  DSES-PTE
present PhD students:
(50%) Dávid Róbert Moró (PhD) (2027/08)  DSES-PTE
(50%) Hatidža Mehmedović (PhD) (2027/08)  DSES-PTE
(50%) Róbert Tamás Farkas (PhD) (2027/08)  DSES-PTE
(50%) Kristóf Buza (PhD) (2026/08)  DSES-PTE
György Orsós (PhD) (2025/08)  DSES-PTE
(50%) Tamás László Péter (PhD) (2025/08)  DSES-PTE
(50%) Fanni Viktória Perjés (PhD) (2025/01)  DSES-PTE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Political geography of the Balkans. Border studies
research field in which current research is conducted earth sciences
political sciences

Reményi Péter, Gekić Haris, Bidžan-Gekić Aida, Sümeghy Dávid: Contextual factors influencing election results in Bosnia and Herzegovina, QUALITY AND QUANTITY: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODOLOGY 57: (6) pp. 5693-5712.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Reményi Péter, Csapó Dániel Gábor: A szállítási infrastruktúra fejlesztése és a geopolitika összefüggései a Nyugat-Balkánon, FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 145: (1) pp. 17-31.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: Hungarian

Reményi Péter, Pap Tibor, Pap Norbert: The changing room for manoeuvre of ‘Visegrad’ Hungary in the Western Balkans. An extraordinary change in Hungarian‑Serbian relations, POLITICS IN CENTRAL EUROPE 17: (No 1S) pp. 791-819.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 8
language: English

Reményi Péter, Gekić Haris, Bidžan-Gekić Aida, Sümeghy Dávid: Electoral Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina – is there anything beyond the ethnic rule?, EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS 38: (2) pp. 227-253.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Pap Norbert, Reményi Péter: Encounters Between Islam and Christianity, In: O'Reilly, Gerry (szerk.) Places of Memory and Legacies in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization, Springer-Verlag (2020) pp. 285-305.
type of document: Part of book/Szaktanulmány (to be translated)
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Haris Gekic, Aida Bidzan-Gekic, Ranko Miric, Péter Reményi: Hidden geographies of population implosion in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY 11: (2) pp. 47-64.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 7
language: English

Pap N, Reményi P: Re-bordering of the Hungarian South: Geopolitics of the Hungarian border fence., HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) 66: (3) pp. 235-250.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 35
language: English

Reményi Péter, Végh Andor, Pap Norbert: The influence of ethnic policies on regional development and transport issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BELGEO - REVUE BELGE DE GEOGRAPHIE (1) pp. 1-20.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 9
language: English

Farkas Z A, Pap N, Reményi P: Hungary's place on Eurasian rail land bridges and the eastern opening, HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) 65: (1) pp. 3-14.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 15
language: English

Léphaft Áron, Németh Ádám, Reményi Péter: Ethnic diversity and polarization in Vojvodina, HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) 63: (2) pp. 135-157.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 20
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:100 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )