Personal data sheet
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personal data approved: 2023. IX. 23.
Personal data
Pál Jedlovszky
name Pál Jedlovszky
name of institution
doctoral school
BME George A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Academic staff member)
ELTE György Hevesy Doctoral School of Chemistry (Academic staff member)
EKKE Doctoral School of Education (Announcer of research topic)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. BME George A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology 45%
ELTE György Hevesy Doctoral School of Chemistry 10%
EKKE Doctoral School of Education 45%
Contact details
phone number +36 36 520-400
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 1996
discipline to which degree belongs chemistry
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title CSc
year degree was obtained 1996
discipline to which degree belongs
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2007
discipline to which degree belongs chemistry
institution granting the degree HAS
2017 - Budapest University of Technology and Economics
other (not specified) ((egyetemi magántanár))
2009 - Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
university professor or researcher
2002 - ELTE (research institute, not university)
other (not specified) (egyetemi magántanár)
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 5.5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 5
students who obtained their degrees:
(50%) Bálint Gábor Kiss PhD 2021  AKDSMST
(50%) Ildikó Katalin Sumi PhD 2019  DSE-EKE
Balázs Fábián PhD 2018  GAODSCC
(50%) Nóra Abrankó-Rideg PhD 2014  DSC-ELTE
Mária Darvas PhD 2013  DSC-ELTE
(50%) Katalin Judit Pojják PhD 2012  DSC-ELTE
György Hantal PhD 2011  DSC-ELTE
Lívia Bartók-Pártay PhD 2009  DSC-ELTE

completed course requirement:
(50%) Ildikó Katalin Sumi (PhD) 2018/08  DSE-EKE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Computer modeling of disordered systems in atomistic resolution
research field in which current research is conducted chemistry

Fábián Balázs, Horvai George, Sega Marcello, Jedlovszky Pál: Single Particle Dynamics at the Liquid–Liquid Interface. Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Water-CCl 4 System, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2020: acs.jpcc.9b10642
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Jedlovszky Pál, Horváth Réka A., Szőri Milán: Computer Simulation Investigation of the Adsorption of Cyanamide on Amorphous Ice at Low Temperatures, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 124: (19) pp. 10615-10626.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Hantal Gyorgy, Fabian Balazs, Sega Marcello, Jojart Balazs, Jedlovszky Pal: Effect of general anesthetics on the properties of lipid membranes of various compositions, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES 1861: (3) pp. 594-609.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Hantal Gyorgy, Sega Marcello, Horvai George, Jedlovszky Pal: Contribution of Different Molecules and Moieties to the Surface Tension in Aqueous Surfactant Solutions, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 123: (27) pp. 16660-16670.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 4
language: English

Fabian Balazs, Horvai George, Idrissi Abdenacer, Jedlovszky Pal: Vapour-liquid equilibrium of acetone-CO2 mixtures of different compositions at the vicinity of the critical point, JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION 34: pp. 465-471.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Sega Marcello, Fábián Balázs, Jedlovszky Pal: Pressure Profile Calculation with Mesh Ewald Methods, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION 12: (9) pp. 4509-4515.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Sega M, Horvai G, Jedlovszky P: Microscopic origin of the surface tension anomaly of water, LANGMUIR 30: (11) pp. 2969-2972.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Sega M, Kantorovich SS, Jedlovszky P, Jorge M: The generalized identification of truly interfacial molecules (ITIM) algorithm for nonplanar interfaces, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 138: (4) 044110
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 18
language: English

Jedlovszky Pál, L. Pártay, P.N.M. Hoang, S. Picaud, P. von Hessberg, J.N. Crowley: Determination of the adsorption isotherm of methanol on the surface of ice. An experimental and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 128: (47) pp. 15300-15309.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 25
language: English

P Jedlovszky, J.P.Brodholt null, F. Bruni, M.A. Ricci, A.K. Soper, R. Vallauri: Analysis of the hydrogen bonded structure of water from ambient to supercritical conditions, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 108: (20) pp. 8528-8540.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 127
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:181 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )