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Personal data
name István Miklós
name of institution
doctoral school
ELTE Doctoral School of Informatics (Academic staff member)
ELTE Doctoral School of Biology (Academic staff member)
SE Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine (Academic staff member)
SE Doctoral School of University Semmelweis (Academic staff member)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. ELTE Doctoral School of Biology 50%
SE Doctoral School of University Semmelweis 50%
Contact details
E-mail address miklosiramet.elte.hu
phone number +36 1 275-9115
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2002
discipline to which degree belongs biology
institution granting the degree ELTE TTK (to be translated)
2007 - University of Oxford (research institute, not university)
2006 - Renyi Intezet (research institute, not university)
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 0.5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 0.5
students who obtained their degrees:
(50%) Ádám Novák PhD 2015  IDI2-ELTE

  Thesis topic proposals
research area Bioinformatikai algoritmusok, sztochasztikus modellezes a bioinformatikaban, Bayes statisztika, MCMC. RNS terszerkezetek, szekvenciaillesztes, genomatrendezodesek, filogenetikai vizsgalatok (to be translated)

Meyer, I.M. Miklós, I.: SimulFold: Simultaneously Inferring RNA Structures Including Pseudoknots, Alignments, and Trees Using a Bayesian MCMC Framework, PLoS Computational Biology
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 4.600

Csürös, M. & Miklós, I.: A probabilistic model for gene content evolution with duplication, loss, and horizontal transfer, LNBI
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 0.500
number of independent citations: 2

Meyer, I.M. & Miklós, I.: Statistical evidence for conserved, local secondary structure in the coding regions of eukaryotic mRNAs and pre-mRNAs, Nucleic Acids Research
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 7.500
number of independent citations: 16

Lunter, G.A., Miklós, I., Drummond, A., Jensen, J.L., & Hein, J.: Bayesian Coestimation of Phylogeny and Sequence Alignment, BMC Bioinformatics
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 5.400
number of independent citations: 24

Meyer, I.M. & Miklós, I.: Co-transcriptional folding is encoded within RNA genes, BMC Molecular Biology
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 3.600
number of independent citations: 11

Miklós, I., Lunter, G. A. & Holmes, I.: A 'long indel' model for evolutionary sequence alignment, Mol. Biol. Evol.
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 5.000
number of independent citations: 20

Miklós, I. & Podani, J.: Randomization of presence/absence matrices: comments and new algorithms, Ecology
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 3.500
number of independent citations: 18

Lunter G.A., Miklós, I. , Song, Y.S. & Hein, J.: An efficient algorithm for statistical multiple alignment on arbitrary phylogenetic trees, J. Comp. Biol
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 4.600
number of independent citations: 9

Miklós, I.: MCMC Genome Rearrangement, Bioinformatics
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 6.700
number of independent citations: 7

Pál C. & Miklós, I.: Epigenetic inheritance, genetic assimilation and speciation, J. theor Biol.
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 1.600
number of independent citations: 17
Number of independent citations to these publications:124 
Scientometric data
Publication list in MTMT is not accessible.
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

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