Data sheet of PhD student
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Tamás Bellák
name Tamás Bellák
name of institution
doctoral school  
Contact details
phone number +36 62 542-854
2018 - University of Szeged
university professor or researcher

Gál László, Bellák Tamás, Marton Annamária, Fekécs Zoltán, Weissman Drew, Török Dénes, Biju Rachana, Vizler Csaba, Kristóf Rebeka, Beattie Mitchell B., Lin Paulo J.C., Pardi Norbert, Nógrádi Antal, Pajer Krisztián: Restoration of motor function through delayed Intraspinal delivery of human IL-10-encoding nucleoside-modified mRNA after spinal cord injury, RESEARCH
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Fehér Anita, Schnúr Andrea, Muenthaisong Suchitra, Bellák Tamás, Ayaydin Ferhan, Várady György, Kemter Elisabeth, Wolf Eckhard, Dinnyés András: Establishment and characterization of a novel human induced pluripotent stem cell line stably expressing the iRFP720 reporter, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12: (1) 9874
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Korsós Marietta Margaréta, Bellák Tamás, Becskeházi Eszter, Gál Eleonóra, Veréb Zoltán, Hegyi Péter, Venglovecz Viktória: Mouse organoid culture is a suitable model to study esophageal ion transport mechanisms, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: CELL PHYSIOLOGY 321: (5) pp. C798-C811.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Pajer Krisztián, Bellák Tamás, Nógrádi Antal: Stem Cell Secretome for Spinal Cord Repair, CELLS 10: (11) 3214
type of document: Journal paper/Review paper
language: English

Papp András, Horváth Tamara, Igaz Nóra, Gopisetty Mohana Krishna, Kiricsi Mónika, Berkesi Dániel Simon, Kozma Gábor, Kónya Zoltán, Wilhelm Imola, Patai Roland, Polgár Tamás Ferenc, Bellák Tamás, Tiszlavicz László, Razga Zsolt, Vezér Tünde: Presence of Titanium and Toxic Effects Observed in Rat Lungs, Kidneys, and Central Nervous System in vivo and in Cultured Astrocytes in vitro on Exposure by Titanium Dioxide Nanorods, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE 15: pp. 9939-9960.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 8
language: English

Bellák Tamás, Fekécs Zoltán, Török Dénes, Táncos Zsuzsanna, Nemes Csilla, Tézsla Zsófia, Gál László, Polgári Suchitra, Kobolák Julianna, Dinnyés András, Nógrádi Antal, Pajer Krisztián: Grafted human induced pluripotent stem cells improve the outcome of spinal cord injury, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10: (1) 22414
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 9
language: English

Kobolak Julianna, Teglasi Annamaria, Bellak Tamas, Janstova Zofia, Molnar Kinga, Zana Melinda, Bock Istvan, Laszlo Lajos, Dinnyes Andras: Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived 3D-Neurospheres are Suitable for Neurotoxicity Screening, CELLS 9: (5) 1122
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 19
language: English

Pajer Krisztián, Bellák Tamás, Nógrádi Antal: The mutual interaction between the host spinal cord and grafted undifferentiated stem cells fosters the production of a lesion-induced secretome., NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH 15: (10) pp. 1844-1845.
type of document:
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Pajer Krisztián, Bellák Tamás, Redl Heinz, Nógrádi Antal: Neuroectodermal stem cells grafted into the injured spinal cord induce both axonal regeneration and morphological restoration via multiple mechanisms, JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 36: (21) pp. 2977-2990.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 6
language: English

Chandrasekaran A, Avci HX, Ochalek A, Rosingh LN, Molnar K, Laszlo L, Bellak T, Teglasi A, Pesti K, Mike Árpád, Phanthong P, Biro O, Hall V, Kitiyanant N, Krause KH, Kobolak J, Dinnyes A: Comparison of 2D and 3D neural induction methods for the generation of neural progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells, STEM CELL RESEARCH 25: pp. 139-151.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 64
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:107 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

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