Personal data sheet
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personal data approved: 2013. V. 07.
Personal data
name Edit Szabó
name of institution
doctoral school
DE Doctoral School of History and Ethnology (Academic staff member)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. DE Doctoral School of History and Ethnology 100%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Debrecen
Contact details
phone number +36 52 316-666/22245
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2003
discipline to which degree belongs linguistics
institution granting the degree DE, BTK, Multidiszciplináris Doktori Iskola (to be translated)
1982 - University of Debrecen
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 0.5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 0
students who obtained their degrees:
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Urbanization and urban elite in the Roman Empire, Latin epigraphy
research field in which current research is conducted history

Szabó Edit: Bemerkungen zum Kult des Apollo Grannus in Pannonia, In: Kalendae. Studia sollemnia in memoriam Johannis Sarkady. Ed. by Németh György. (Hungarian Polis Studies 16). Budapest–Debrecen, 2008., pp. 305-320
type of document: Book chapter/Part of Handbook
language: German

Szabó Edit: Dacia népei, Rubicon 19 (2008) 1. különszám, pp. 76-81
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Havas László - Hegyi W. György - Szabó Edit: Római történelem, Osiris Kiadó, Budapest, 2007. ISBN 978-963-389-908-3, 867 p.
type of document: Book/Felsőoktatási tankönyv (to be translated)
number of independent citations: 2
language: Hungarian

Szabó Edit: Savaria und die ius Latii., In: Németh Gy. – Forisek P. (eds.): Epigraphica III. Politai et cives. Studia Sollemnia in honorem Geyzae Alfoeldy doctoris honoris causa Universitatis Debreceniensis. Debrecen, University of Debrecen, Department of Ancient History, 2006. (HPS 13.) ISSN 1417-1706, pp. 135-163
type of document: Book chapter/Part of Handbook
language: German

Szabó Edit: A pannoniai városok igazgatása. Urbanizáció, önkormányzat és városi elit a Kr. u. 1-3. században., Ókortudományi Értesítő 13 (2004) ISSN 1417-8532, pp. 22-30
type of document: Journal paper/Study paper
number of independent citations: 3
language: Hungarian

Szabó Edit: Ein Sevir aus Salla. Bemerkungen zu den pannonischen Sevir- und Augustalenkorporationen à propos der Lesekorrektion von CSIR Ungarn 8, n.4., Németh, Gy. - Piso, I. (eds.): Epigraphica II. Mensa rotunda epigraphiae Dacicae Pannonicaeque. Debrecen, 2004. (HPS 11.) ISSN 1417-1706, pp. 167-206
type of document: Book chapter/Part of Handbook
language: German

Forisek Péter - Havas László - Németh György - Szabó Edit.: Római történeti kézikönyv. Szerk. Németh György, Budapest, Korona Kiadó, 1999. ISBN 963-9191-75-2, 644 p.
type of document: Book chapter/Monography
number of independent citations: 8
language: Hungarian

Szabó Edit: Attributio in Aquincum, Németh György – Forisek P. (eds.): Epigraphica I. Studies on Epigraphy. (HPS 6.) Debrecen, 2001. ISSN 1417-1706, pp. 131-149
type of document: Journal paper/Study paper
language: German

Szabó Edit: A Római császárkor története, In: Havas László – Vilmos László – Szabó Edit: Római történelem. In: Bevezetés az ókortudományba. III. Szerk. Havas L. – Tegyey I. Debrecen, 1999., 298 p.
type of document: Book/Felsőoktatási tankönyv (to be translated)
number of independent citations: 3
language: Hungarian

Szabó Edit: Doppelter Dekurionat in den Donauprovinzen des Römischen Reiches, In: Heorte. Studia in honorem Johannis Sarkady septuagenarii. Acta Universitatis Debreceniensis de Ludovico Kossuth nominatae, Ser. Historica L. Történeti Tanulmányok VI – Hungarian Polis Studies 2. A KLTE Történelmi Intézetének és Ókortörténeti Tanszékének kiadványa. Debrecen 1997, 169-211., pp. 169-211
type of document: Book chapter/Part of Handbook
language: German
Number of independent citations to these publications:16 
Scientometric data
Saját közlemény- és idézőlista Publication list in MTMT is not accessible.
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )