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Personal data
Péter Révész
name Péter Révész
name of institution
doctoral school
PTE Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine (Supervisor)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. PTE Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine 100%
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2017
discipline to which degree belongs clinical medicine
institution granting the degree University of Pécs
2008 - University of Pécs
other (not specified) (egyetemi adjunktus)
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 2
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 1
students who obtained their degrees:
Alexandros Koukkoullis PhD 2023  DSCM-PTE

present PhD students:
Eszter Gabriella Kopjár (PhD) (2025/08)  DSCM-PTE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Modern ear surgery and related fileds
research field in which current research is conducted clinical medicine

Tóth Tamás Ferenc, Németh Adrienne, Bakó Péter, Révész Péter, Gerlinger Imre, Szanyi István: Matching the pitch perception of the cochlear implanted ear with the contralateral ear in patients with single-sided deafness: a novel approach, EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 280: (11) pp. 4851-4859.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Gerlinger Imre, Szabó Éva, Szanyi István, Rostás Tamás, Pap István, Révész Péter, Kopjár Eszter: Mastoidobliterációhoz használt csontpor és bioaktív üveggranulátum a cholesteatoma sebészetében., ORVOSI HETILAP 163: (21) pp. 838-845.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Bölcsföldi T Barbara, Pap István, Tóth Tamás, Tóth István, Révész Péter, Gerlinger Imre, Szanyi István: A szelektív epitympanalis dysventilatiós szindróma műtéti megoldása., ORVOSI HETILAP 163: (36) pp. 1440-1446.
type of document:
language: Hungarian

Koukkoullis A, Gerlinger I, Kovács A, Szakács Z, Piski Z, Szanyi I, Tóth I, Révész P: Comparing intermediate-term hearing results of NiTiBOND and Nitinol prostheses in stapes surgery, JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY 135: (9) pp. 795-798.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Koukkoullis Alexandros, Tóth István, Gede Noémi, Szakács Zsolt, Hegyi Péter, Varga Gábor, Pap István, Harmat Kinga, Németh Adrienn, Szanyi István, Lujber László, Gerlinger Imre, Révész Péter: Endoscopic versus microscopic stapes surgery outcomes : A meta-analysis and systematic review, LARYNGOSCOPE 130: (8) pp. 2019-2027.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 34
language: English

Révész Péter, Gerlinger Imre, Kálmán Endre, Koukkoullis Alexandros, Burián András, Tóth István: Eosinophil otitis media – egy kevéssé ismert kórkép kezelési nehézségei, ORVOSI HETILAP 161: (41) pp. 1769-1775.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Révész P, Szanyi I, Ráth G, Bocskai T, Lujber L, Piski Z, Karosi T, Gerlinger I: Comparison of hearing results following the use of NiTiBOND versus Nitinol prostheses in stapes surgery, EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 273: (5) pp. 1131-1136.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 5
language: English

Révész P, Liktor B, Liktor B, Sziklai I, Gerlinger I, Karosi T: Comparative analysis of preoperative diagnostic values of HRCT and CBCT in patients with histologically diagnosed otosclerotic stapes footplates, EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 273: (1) pp. 63-72.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 11
language: English

Revesz P, Piski Z, Burian A, Harmat K, Gerlinger I: Delayed Facial Paralysis following Uneventful KTP Laser Stapedotomy: Two Case Reports and a Review of the Literature., CASE REPORTS IN MEDICINE 2014: 971362
type of document:
number of independent citations: 6
language: English

Lujber L, Révész P: Childhood Laryngeal Rhabdomyosarcoma Causing Acute Airway Obstruction., OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY 145: (2) pp. 354-355.
type of document:
number of independent citations: 5
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:64 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
thesis supervisor Imre Gerlinger
co-supervisor Tamás Karosi
one supervisor or with co-supervisor co-supervisor
degree PhD
starting of doctoral studies 2011
foreseen date of final certificate (year,month) 2014/08
date of final certificate (year,month) 2014/01
year in which degree was obtained 2017
diszertáció Main findings in the thesis (in Hungarian)Main findings in the thesis (in English)The thesis
data of the public discussion defense

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