Print preview personal data approved: 2023. I. 24. Publications |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Solyom Sandor, Balázs György L.: Analytical and statistical study of the bond of FRP bars with different surface characteristics, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 2021: p. 113953. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 10 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Solyom Sandor, Di Benedetti Matteo, Balázs György L.: Bond of FRP bars in air-entrained concrete: Experimental and statistical study, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 300: p. 124193. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 8 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Solyom Sandor, Di Benedetti Matteo, Guadagnini Maurizio, Balázs György L.: Effect of temperature on the bond behaviour of GFRP bars in concrete, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING 183: 107602 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 35 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Alimrani Naser, Balázs György L: Investigations of direct shear of one-year old SFRC after exposed to elevated temperatures, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 254: 119308 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 11 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Sólyom Sándor, Balázs György L.: Bond of FRP bars with different surface characteristics, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 264: p. 119839. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 43 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Balázs György L, Lublóy Éva, Földes Tamás: Evaluation of Concrete Elements with X-Ray Computed Tomography, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 30: (9) 06018010 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 21 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Balázs L György, Czoboly Olivér, Lublóy Éva, Kapitány Kristóf, Barsi Árpád: Observation of steel fibres in concrete with Computed Tomography, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 140: pp. 534-541. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 46 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Balazs GL, Bisch P, Borosnyoi A, Burdet O, Burns C, Ceroni F, Cervenka V, Chiorino MA, Debernardi P, Eckfeldt L, El-Badry M, Fehling E, Foster SJ, Ghali A, Gribniak V, Guiglia M, Kaklauskas G, Lark RJ, Lenkei P, Lorrain M, Mari A, Ozbolt J, Pecce M, Caldentey AP, Taliano M, Tkalcic D, Torrenti JM, Torres L, Toutlemonde F, Ueda T, Vitek JL, Vitek JL: Design for SLS according to fib Model Code 2010, STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 14: (2) pp. 99-123. type of document: number of independent citations: 38 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Balázs Gy L: Cracking Analysis Based on Slips and Bond Stresses, ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL 90: (4) pp. 340-348. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 114 language: English
from data base, 2023. I. 24. |
Balázs Gy L: Fatigue of bond, ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL 88: (6) pp. 620-629. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 84 language: English
| Number of independent citations to these publications: | 410 |