Personal data sheet
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personal data approved: 2024. I. 08.
Personal data
Mariann Fodor
name Mariann Fodor
year of birth 1975
name of institution
doctoral school
DE Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine (Academic staff member)
Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Habilitációs Bizottság
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. DE Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine 20%
DE Gyula Petrányi Doctoral School of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 80%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Debrecen
Contact details
E-mail address mfodormed.unideb.hu
phone number +36 30 341-0319
mobile phone number +36 30 341-0319
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2009
discipline to which degree belongs clinical medicine
institution granting the degree University of Debrecen
1999 - University of Debrecen
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 2
students who obtained their degrees:
Géza Vitályos PhD 2021  DSCM-DE
Dorottya Pásztor PhD 2018  DSCM-DE

completed course requirement:
Zsuzsa Zakarné Aszalós (PhD) 2023/08  GPDSACI
present PhD students:
Vivien Lénárt (PhD) (2027/08)  GPDSACI
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Cornea Keratoconus Corneal ectatic disorders
research field in which current research is conducted clinical medicine

Aranyosi Janos K., Galgoczi Erika, Erdei Annamaria, Katko Monika, Fodor Mariann, Ujhelyi Zoltan, Bacskay Ildiko, Nagy Endre V., Ujhelyi Bernadett: Different Effects of Cigarette Smoke, Heated Tobacco Product and E-Cigarette Vapour on Orbital Fibroblasts in Graves’ Orbitopathy; a Study by Real Time Cell Electronic Sensing, MOLECULES 27: (9) 3001
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Fodor Mariann: Terápiás újdonságok az uveitis kezelésében, SZEMÉSZET 158: (4) pp. 171-191.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Fodor M., Vitályos G., Losonczy G., Hassan Z., Pásztor D., Gogolák P., Kolozsvári B.L.: Tear Mediators NGF along with IL-13 Predict Keratoconus Progression, OCULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND INFLAMMATION 29: (6) pp. 1090-1101.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 7
language: English

Aranyosi Janos K., Deli Tamas, Erdei Annamaria, Toth Geza, Jakab Attila, Fodor Mariann, Nagy Endre V., Ujhelyi Bernadett: Unusual onset of thyroid associated orbitopathy during pregnancy: case report and review of literature, BMC ENDOCRINE DISORDERS 20: (1) 183
type of document:
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Vitályos Géza, Kolozsvári Bence Lajos, Németh Gábor, Losonczy Gergely, Hassan Ziad, Pásztor Dorottya, Fodor Mariann: Effects of aging on corneal parameters measured with Pentacam in healthy subjects, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9: (1) 3419
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 12
language: English

Kolozsvári Bence L, Losonczy Gergely, Pásztor Dorottya, Fodor Mariann: Correction of irregular and induced regular corneal astigmatism with toric IOL after posterior segment surgery: a case series., BMC OPHTHALMOLOGY 17: (3) pp. 1-6.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Dorottya Pásztor, Bence Lajos Kolozsvári, Adrienne Csutak, András Berta, Ziad Hassan, Beáta Andrea Kettesy, Péter Gogolák, Mariann Fodor: Scheimpflug Imaging Parameters Associated with Tear Mediators and Bronchial Asthma in Keratoconus, JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 2016: 9392640
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 7
language: English

Pásztor Dorottya, Kolozsvári Bence Lajos, Csutak Adrienne, Berta András, Hassan Ziad, Ujhelyi Bernadett, Gogolák Péter, Fodor Mariann: Tear Mediators in Corneal Ectatic Disorders, PLOS ONE 11: (4) e0153186
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 12
language: English

Pásztor D, Kolozsvári BL, Losonczy G, Fodor M: Femtosecond laser-assisted keratoplasty combined with cataract extraction in a patient with keratoconus and oculocutaneous albinism, INDIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 64: (3) pp. 246-248.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Kolozsvari Bence Lajos, Petrovski Goran, Gogolak Peter, Rajnavoelgyi Eva, Toth Flora, Berta Andras, Fodor Mariann: Association between Mediators in the Tear Fluid and the Severity of Keratoconus, OPHTHALMIC RESEARCH 51: (1) pp. 46-51.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 25
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:65 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )