Print preview personal data approved: 2024. VIII. 31. Publications |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Restás Ágoston: Drone Applications Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic—Towards Good Practices, DRONES 6: (1) 15 type of document: Journal paper/Review paper number of independent citations: 49 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Restás Ágoston, Szalkai István, Óvári Gyula: Drone Application for Spraying Disinfection Liquid Fighting against the Covid-19 Pandemic—Examining Drone-Related Parameters Influencing Effectiveness, DRONES 5: (3) 58 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 31 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Sykam Kesavarao, Försth Michael, Sas Gabriel, Restás Ágoston, Das Oisik: Phytic acid: A bio-based flame retardant for cotton and wool fabrics, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS 164: pp. 1-16. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 173 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Shanmugam Vigneshwaran, Mensah Rhoda Afriyie, Försth Michael, Sas Gabriel, Restás Ágoston, Addy Cyrus, Xu Qiang, Jiang Lin, Neisiany Rasoul Esmaeely, Singha Shuvra, George Gejo, Jose E Tomlal, Berto Filippo, Hedenqvist Mikael S, Das Oisik, Ramakrishna Seeram: Circular economy in biocomposite development: State-of-the-art, challenges and emerging trends, COMPOSITES PART C: OPEN ACCESS 2: (4) 100138 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 161 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Kerekes Zsuzsanna, Restás Ágoston, Lublóy Éva: The effects causing the burning of plastic coatings of fire-resistant cables and its consequences, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 139: (2) pp. 775-787. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 20 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Bodnár László, Restás Ágoston, Xu Qiang: Conceptual Approach of Measuring the Professional and Economic Effectiveness of Drone Applications Supporting Forest fire Management, PROCEDIA ENGINEERING 211: (2018) pp. 8-17. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 52 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Qiang Xu, Cong Jin, Andrea Majlingova, Martin Zachar, Agoston Restas: Evaluate the flammability of a PU foam with double-scale analysis, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 133: pp. 3329-3337. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 10 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Restás Ágoston: Drone Applications for Supporting Disaster Management, WORLD JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 3: (3B) pp. 316-321. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 347 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Louis Giglio, Ivan Csiszar, Ágoston Restás, Jeffrey T. Morisette, Wilfride Schroeder, Douglas Morton, Christopher O. Justice: Active fire detection and characterization with the advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER), REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 6: (112) pp. 3055-3063. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 176 language: English URL |
from data base, 2024. VIII. 31. |
Restás Ágoston: A tűzoltásvezető döntéshozatali mechanizmusa, VÉDELEM - KATASZTRÓFA- TŰZ- ÉS POLGÁRI VÉDELMI SZEMLE 8: (2) pp. 28-30. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 25 language: Hungarian
| Number of independent citations to these publications: | 1044 |