Print preview personal data approved: 2024. III. 06. Publications |
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Zábó Virág, Oláh Attila, Vargha András: A new complex mental health test in a positive psychological framework, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 13: 13:775622 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 1 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Gergely Bence, Vargha András: How to Use Model-Based Cluster Analysis Efficiently in Person-Oriented Research, JOURNAL FOR PERSON-ORIENTED RESEARCH 7: (1) pp. 22-35. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Vargha András: Normális vagy? És ha nem? Statisztikai módszerek nem normális eloszlású változókkal pszichológiai kutatásokban, Pólya Kiadó type of document: Book/Monography language: Hungarian
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Vargha András, Zábó Virág, Török Regina, Oláh Attila: A jóllét és a mentális egészség mérése: a Mentális Egészség Teszt, MENTÁLHIGIÉNÉ ÉS PSZICHOSZOMATIKA 21: (3) pp. 281-322. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 12 language: Hungarian URL |
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Vargha András: Többváltozós statisztika dióhéjban: Változó-orientált módszerek, Pólya Kiadó type of document: Book/Monography language: Hungarian
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Vargha A, Torma B, Bergman L R: ROPstat: a general statistical package useful for conducting person-oriented analyses, JOURNAL FOR PERSON-ORIENTED RESEARCH 1: (1-2) pp. 87-98. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 49 language: English Full text |
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Vargha András: Matematikai statisztika pszichológiai, nyelvészeti és biológiai alkalmazásokkal (2. kiadás)., Pólya Kiadó type of document: Book/Monography number of independent citations: 26 language: Hungarian
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Vargha A, Delaney HD: A critique and improvement of the CL common language effect size statistic of McGraw and Wong, JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS 25: (2) pp. 101-132. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 678 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
Vargha A, Delaney HD: The Kruskal-Wallis test and stochastic homogeneity, JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS 23: (2) pp. 170-192. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 159 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. III. 14. |
András Vargha, Tamás Rudas, Harold D Delaney, Scott E Maxwell: Dichotomization, partial correlation, and conditional independence, JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS 21: (3) pp. 264-282. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 89 language: English URL |
| Number of independent citations to these publications: | 1014 |